The Three-Body Problem in Software Development

In the realm of celestial mechanics, the three-body problem is a notorious conundrum that has puzzled scientists for centuries. This problem, characterized by the unpredictable interactions of three gravitational bodies, finds an uncanny parallel in the world of software development. Here, our "bodies" are Time, Scope, and People, and their interactions can often feel just as chaotic and unmanageable.

The Variables: Time, Scope, People

Let's break it down:

  1. Time: This is our fixed resource. Deadlines are a reality, whether imposed by market demands, client expectations, or internal goals.
  2. Scope: This encompasses the features, functionalities, and overall vision of the project. It is often the most fluid and contentious variable.
  3. People: Our team, the developers, designers, and managers who bring the project to life. Their skills, availability, and morale are crucial to the project's success.

The Chaos of Fixed Variables

In traditional project management, there's often a push to fix two variables and let the third adjust accordingly. For instance:

  • Fixing Time and People leads to variable Scope. You end up cutting features or compromising on quality to meet the deadline.
  • Fixing Time and Scope means adding more People, but this often leads to diminishing returns as the coordination overhead increases.
  • Fixing Scope and People demands flexible Time, which is usually the least flexible in real-world scenarios.

These interactions can create a chaotic environment, much like the three-body problem, where small changes in one variable can lead to disproportionate and unpredictable effects on the others.

The Case for Variable Scope

At Plan B, we've found a solution that brings some order to this chaos: a six-week work cycle with a focus on variable Scope. Here's why:

  1. Predictability and Focus: By fixing Time (six weeks) and People (our existing team), we create a predictable and focused environment. The team knows exactly how long they have and who they're working with.
  2. Flexibility in Scope: We embrace the fluid nature of Scope. Instead of trying to cram an unrealistic amount of work into a fixed timeframe, we prioritize ruthlessly and focus on delivering the most valuable features. Anything that doesn't fit into the six-week cycle is re-evaluated and either scheduled for a future cycle or discarded.
  3. Sustainable Pace: This approach fosters a sustainable work pace. The team can concentrate on quality and craftsmanship without the pressure of ever-expanding scope and unrealistic deadlines.


In the complex dance of Time, Scope, and People, trying to fix all three leads to inevitable chaos and disappointment. By allowing Scope to remain flexible, we can navigate the unpredictability with greater agility and effectiveness. At Plan B, our six-week work cycle is not just a solution to the three-body problem of software development; it's a commitment to delivering value in a sustainable and focused manner. This approach not only benefits our projects but also respects and enhances the creativity and well-being of our team.

In the end, embracing the chaos and channeling it through flexible scope might just be the key to solving the unsolvable.

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